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Google Ads to Amazon: Winning Product Promotion Strategies

Promote your products across platforms and boost sales. Learn how the combined power of Amazon and Google Ads with Ampd can ensure your brand's success.

The Ampd Team

Aug 25, 2023

In today's fast-changing digital world, making your products stand out is crucial for success. This article is here to guide you through the exciting world of promotion, with a special spotlight on how to supercharge your Amazon presence using Google Ads. By teaming up these two heavyweights, your Amazon store can reach more people, get noticed, and make more sales. Let's dive in together and uncover the strategies that blend these platforms for awesome growth opportunities!

Understanding the Amazon and Google Advertising Landscape

Amazon and Google Ads are like the rock stars of the digital advertising world, each with their own unique perks. With Amazon Advertising, you can tap into a massive audience of eager shoppers who are scouring the platform for their next purchase. Meanwhile, Google Ads opens up a whole new world beyond Amazon, allowing you to connect with users at different stages of their online journey.

  • Amazon Advertising focuses on customers within the Amazon marketplace who are ready to shop. It includes advertising options like Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and more.
  • Google Ads covers a wider range, targeting users searching for various information, products, or entertainment. Google's extensive network includes search results, websites, and videos.

By combining Amazon Advertising and Google Ads, you're effectively reaching customers at various stages of their journey. Amazon is where those ready to buy (bottom of the funnel) are found, while Google Ads captures those in the middle of the funnel and in their decision-making phase. This comprehensive strategy ensures your products gain visibility on both Amazon and Google Ads, boosting your chances of making sales and enhancing brand recognition.

As we dive in further, we'll discover tactics that use the best of both Amazon and Google Ads. This lets you craft a complete promotion strategy that connects with your audience and boosts conversions for your Amazon store.

Choosing the Right Platform for Your Product

Selecting the appropriate advertising platform depends on your product's nature and your target audience's behavior. Consider the following factors:

  1. Product Type: If your product is niche and caters to a specific demand, Amazon Advertising might be the go-to choice. For broader and more exploratory products, Google Ads can help cast a wider net. Wondering how well your products could do with Google Ads? Give Ampd Benchmark a shot. It'll tell you if your product is set up well for Google, giving you the chance to attract more people beyond just Amazon's platform.
  2. Search Intent: Evaluate whether users are actively searching for your product category on Amazon or are likely to initiate searches on Google. Amazon captures high-intent shoppers, while Google addresses users at various stages of the buying journey.

When to Opt for Amazon Advertising 

If your product is a direct fit for Amazon's marketplace and has a strong search presence, leveraging Amazon Advertising is advantageous. It allows you to tap into Amazon's captive audience who are already primed for purchasing.

When to Utilize Google Ads 

If your products have a wider appeal or are of interest for learning searches, Google Ads is a game-changer. It helps you reach users throughout Google's vast network, connecting with potential customers who are at different points in their buying journey.

By matching your product features and how your audience behaves with each platform's advantages, you can smartly use your advertising budget for the best outcomes. To see if your ASINs are a good fit for Google Ads, try out the Ampd Benchmark now! 

Next, let's go into how to craft compelling campaigns on both Amazon and Google Ads platforms.

Amazon Advertising Strategies: How to Promote Your Products on Amazon

To successfully promote your products on Amazon, it's important to make the most of its capabilities by using different ad placements strategically. Here's how to do it effectively:

Step 1. Exploring Amazon's Ad Formats

  • Sponsored Products: These are keyword-targeted ads that appear within Amazon search results and on product detail pages. They're ideal for driving visibility and clicks to your product listings.
  • Sponsored Brands: Formerly known as Headline Search Ads, these showcase your brand and multiple products at the top of search results. They're excellent for brand exposure and driving traffic to your storefront.
  • Display Ads: These visual ads appear on Amazon and non-Amazon sites, targeting customers based on their interests. They're great for creating brand awareness and reaching potential customers outside of Amazon.

Step 2. Keyword Research and Optimization

  • Keyword Research: Use Amazon's keyword research tools to identify high-relevance, high-volume keywords for your products. Focus on both short-tail and long-tail keywords to cover a wide spectrum of customer searches.
  • Keyword Optimization: Incorporate your target keywords into your product titles, bullet points, and descriptions for better visibility. Use negative keywords to refine your audience and avoid irrelevant clicks.

Step 3. Utilizing Product Targeting

  • Product Targeting: Amazon allows you to target specific products, categories, or brands with your ads. This approach is powerful for reaching customers who are already interested in similar products.
  • Category and Brand Targeting: If your product belongs to a specific category or shares traits with a well-known brand, leverage these targeting options to attract relevant customers.

Google Ads Tactics for Product Promotion

While Amazon's strategies have their perks, it's smart to think outside the box. Don't limit your product's reach to one place. Try leveraging Google Ads since it's not just about sales; it's about orchestrating a powerful cascade of effects. Imagine the “Halo Effect” in action -  where Google Ads not only ignites immediate sales but also drives an incremental lift, leading to a surge in organic sales and a remarkable boost in your product's Amazon ranking. You can check all this out by downloading Ampd’s game-changing incremental lift study right here. Check out how you can utilize Google's various ad types and targeting options:

Step 1. Understanding Google's Ad Types

  • Search Ads: These text-based ads appear at the top of Google search results when users enter relevant queries. They're excellent for capturing users with high intent to purchase.
  • Display Ads: Display ads feature visuals and can appear on various websites across the Google Display Network. They're great for creating brand awareness and reaching users during their browsing activities.
  • Shopping Ads: These ads showcase product images, names, prices, and retailers directly within search results. They're ideal for e-commerce businesses looking to display their products and prices upfront.

(Note: While Ampd empowers your campaigns with Google Ads to Amazon, it's important to clarify that Ampd's focus is on optimizing text-based search ads for Amazon and Google, not display or shopping ads.)

Step 2. Crafting Compelling Ad Copies and Visuals

  • Keyword Relevance: Ensure your ad copy is closely aligned with your target keywords. Highlight the unique selling points of your product to entice clicks.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: Use strong and actionable language in your ad copy to encourage users to click and explore your product further.
  • Visual Impact: If you're running Display or Shopping Ads, use high-quality images that showcase your product from different angles. The visuals should resonate with the user's search intent.

Step 3. Utilizing Audience Targeting

  • Demographic Targeting: Specify factors like age, gender, and location to reach users who fit your target audience.
  • Interest-based Targeting: Target users based on their online behavior, interests, and browsing history to connect with those most likely to be interested in your product.
  • Remarketing: Show your ads to users who have previously interacted with your store or products. This can help re-engage potential customers, and encourage them to complete their purchase. With Amazon’s newly launched Brand Tailored Promotions, you can further customize your promotions to target specific customer segments,  especially cart abandoners, enhancing the effectiveness of your remarketing efforts.

Step 4. Keyword Research and Bid Management

  • Keyword Research: The key lies in finding terms that fit your product and match how customers search. To help you succeed, try the Ampd Benchmark. It guides you through your product's potential performance in a Google Ads campaign and gives you valuable keyword information for your product to see what products are being searched for along with its CPC. 
  • Bid Strategy: Choose the appropriate bidding strategy for your campaign goals. Automated bidding can help optimize your bids for conversions or clicks.

Cross-Platform Remarketing Strategies

Leveraging cross-platform strategies can greatly enhance your brand's visibility and engagement. By integrating both Amazon and Google Ads for remarketing campaigns, you can effectively re-engage with users who have previously shown interest in your products. Here's how to create a seamless and impactful cross-platform remarketing strategy:

Step 1. Integrating Amazon and Google Ads with Ampd

  • Tag Implementation: Tracking user behavior across multiple touchpoints is a crucial aspect of advertising success for your Amazon store. While implementing Amazon Pixel and Google's Global Site Tag manually can be time-consuming and complex, Ampd simplifies the process by offering Amazon Attribution - eliminating the effort traditionally required for launching and managing ads.

Step 2. Consistent Messaging and Offers

  • Unified Branding: Maintain consistent branding and messaging across both platforms. This enhances brand recognition and ensures a cohesive experience for users.
  • Tailored Offers: Customize your offers based on the user's stage in the buying journey. For instance, you could offer a special discount to users who abandoned their carts on Amazon and show them the same offer in Google Ads. Amazon also recently launched Brand Tailored Promotions, a feature you can utilize to offer abandoned cart discounts to encourage customers to return to their carts and finalize the transaction.

Step 3. Optimization and Testing

  • Ad Variation Testing: Test different ad creatives, copy, and offers to identify what resonates best with your audience on each platform.
  • Frequency Capping: Avoid bombarding users with too many ads by setting frequency caps to ensure a positive user experience.

Step 4. Performance Analysis

  • Conversion Tracking: Ensure proper conversion tracking is set up on both platforms to accurately measure the impact of your cross-platform remarketing efforts.
  • Attribution Analysis: Analyze the customer journey across both platforms to understand how users interact with your brand before making a purchase.

Taking a multi-channel approach is vital for boosting your brand's reach and getting more sales. Amazon and Google Ads are the key players here, helping you make a strong impact, connect with potential buyers, and build lasting relationships. But remember, this journey doesn't stop here; it's an ongoing process. By using the strategies in this guide and keeping up with new trends, your Amazon store can keep growing, become more recognized, and stay ahead in the online market.

Win with Google Ads and Ampd

Unleash Ampd’s prowess to supercharge your Amazon and Google Ads campaigns with a touch of genius! Ampd isn't just a tool – it's your campaign's secret weapon, revealing performance secrets in both Amazon and Google Ads. Make savvy decisions, supercharge your campaigns, and watch those business goals come true. Say hello to Ampd and goodbye to guesswork. Ready to ride the winning wave? Sign up now to get more traffic and increase your Amazon store’s sales - Book a demo today!

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