Amazon Brand

Ampd Boosts 1-Shoppe Brands: 70% Surge in Best Sellers Rank

“Ampd’s platform enabled me to profitably include Google Ads into my omnichannel marketing and measure the impact on Amazon Rank and Total Sales. It’s so important for my company to be able to engage potential customers throughout their buying journey and create awareness of my brand’s products.” - Steve Rolle - CEO


The  Backstory:

1-Shoppe, a prominent supplier of hotel shampoo and soaps, aimed to boost their traffic, sales, and organic revenue. Their goal was to expand their brand's presence on Amazon and utilize Google Ads as a new marketing channel. 


1-Shoppe knew their customers were looking for their products beyond the walls of Amazon, but they had no way to engage those customers. They wanted to incorporate multiple advertising channels into their Amazon growth strategy, so they needed a solution that could help them effectively advertise on Google and marry Google Ads data with Amazon Sales data. 


Partnering with Ampd, 1-Shoppe harnessed advanced technology to connect Google Ads data with Amazon Sales data, inside the Ampd platform. Through Ampd's user-friendly interface, they optimized campaigns using valuable insights on Google keywords that led to direct sales on Amazon. Focusing on long-tail converting keywords, they capitalized on customer intent and achieved improved cost management, conversions, and revenue. Ampd's streamlined approach empowered 1-Shoppe to build brand awareness on Amazon while monitoring spend and ACOS efficiently.


As 1-Shoppe was able to fill their sales funnel by incorporating Google Ads and engaging their customers throughout the buying journey, which drove direct, profitable new customers, it also drove a significant boost in efficient revenue, as seen below in this Ampd report.

This Product Performance by Channel report in Ampd reveals how Google Ads revenue (red line) and Amazon Ads revenue (yellow line) work together to engage potential customers and drive organic revenue (green line) and Total Revenue (black line) over time.

1shoppe Product Performance By Channel

1-Shoppe saw significant improvement in Best Sellers Rank on Amazon within specific categories during the initial testing period:

  • Beauty & Personal Care: Increased by 30% from #81,729 to #54,897
  • Bath & Shower Sets: Increased by 70% from #397 to #121
  • Unique Beauty & Health: Increased by 25% from #1,435 to #1,074

1Shoppe BSR on Amazon

1Shoppe BSR on Amazon Within a Category


Through their partnership with Ampd, 1-Shoppe achieved impressive results in their efforts to engage customers throughout their buying journey and increase sales. Ampd's technology was able to:

  • Automatically connect Google Ads data with Amazon Sales data
  • Automate Amazon Attribution tagging, and provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns at a keyword level
  • Reveal how filling their sales funnel with Google Ads had impacted Total and Organic Sales
  • Measure the impact that Google Ads had on ranking

Overall, Ampd's Google to Amazon approach proved to be a highly effective marketing strategy for 1-Shoppe, enabling them to expand their brand's presence and effectively engage their customers throughout their buying journey.


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