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Can PPC Can Help SEO Rankings?

Let’s take a look at how paid ads and Google Ads can positively impact your website’s Google organic rankings and help you work smarter.

Morgan Blank

May 03, 2021

The digital market is incredibly dynamic, so an online marketing strategy that works one month, may fail the next, leaving you scratching your head.

If you don’t understand all the intricacies of paid ads and how PPC can help SEO (Search Engine Optimization), it can get tricky to achieve consistent marketing results.

Here at Ampd, we understand your ultimate goal—you want to increase profits and maximize your bottom line. Looking beyond the direct benefits that PPC has to offer isn’t just smart; it is what separates your business from the pack.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at how paid ads and Google Ads can positively impact your website’s Google organic rankings and help you work smarter.

PPC vs SEO: What’s the Difference?

Before we dive into how PPC can help SEO, let’s take a look at the main differences between the two strategies.

PPC Strategy

Pay-per-click advertising or PPC is intended to drive traffic to your website through paid ads. Marketers use tools like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to target specific PPC keywords and pay for an opportunity to have their brand appear before the organic search results. With PPC ads, you only pay when somebody actually clicks on your ad.

While often deemed more expensive as compared to SEO, PPC provides a quick return on investment and nearly instant results. In addition, the use of Ampd’s ad automation toolkit allows eliminating 90% of the effort of launching and managing paid ads, making Google Ads a truly powerful and efficient strategy.

SEO Strategy

Search Engine Optimization, on the other hand, is about organic traffic—the traffic that arrives at your website through organic search results and not from advertisements.

Google uses a series of algorithms to determine the order of results displayed on search engine results pages. While the specifics of the decision-making process are kept proprietary and confidential, good SEO professionals know what needs to be done to move websites up in search results. The higher your site appears in search results, the more traffic you get.

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How PPC Can Help SEO: 5 Benefits You Didn’t Know About

As a business owner, you want to make sure that every single aspect of your digital marketing campaign is working together for the overall success of your business. Before making a decision to invest in paid advertising, you probably want to know whether it would improve or harm your website’s organic rankings.

The truth is, paid advertising doesn’t directly affect SEO, but it does provide a number of indirect benefits.

PPC Helps You Discover Important SEO Keywords

It’s all about the right keywords—in both PPC and SEO strategies. If you want to appear in relevant search results, you need to make sure that you are targeting the right search terms.

The challenge with SEO is that it takes significant time to see the results in the long term, making it impossible to gauge the effectiveness of your keyword choice right off the bat.

Luckily, PPC helps you to see instant results, so you can pinpoint which keywords are the most effective in driving traffic. When you spend money on Google Ads, you're able to see the search queries that people are searching on Google, where your products show up, what they click on, and what makes them convert. You can take that understanding of what search queries people are looking for and feed that into your SEO so that you don’t pay for your traffic now.

PPC Can Help SEO By Increasing Local Exposure

For many small businesses, reaching local customers is a crucial part of the marketing plan. Many people use local searches to find companies that offer the services or products they need. By using paid ads for local searches, you can increase your local visibility and the qualified traffic visiting your website.

Just think about it: when users perform a local search, the first thing they will see on top of the screen is your Google Ad. Placing a paid search ad draws instant attention to your business. When users see your ad, they might either click on it or scroll down. If they choose to scroll down, they will see your Google My Business listing. If they skip that as well, they might even find your website again among organic search results.

By combining PPC with SEO, you can create a triple exposure, where local users keep seeing your business again and again. This exposure will lead them to believe that your company presents the best solution to their needs. This will increase your website traffic, which, in turn, will inevitably boost your organic rankings.

PPC Provides Valuable Targeting Info

Another way that PPC and help SEO is through providing valuable insights into an ideal target audience for your business.

Paid ads aren’t limited to just Google’s search results. You can also run paid ads on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to bring additional visibility to your social media profiles.

The largest advantage of social media ads over standard PPC advertising is that they provide more precise targeting options. On social media, you can target based on people’s demographic information, interests, hobbies, careers, socioeconomic status, and more. This makes it incredibly easy to target your ads to the precise audience that you think would be interested in your business.

The performance of these PPC ads can help you collect valuable data about your audience. You can learn more about what they like or don’t like and find out whether you are targeting the right people for your business, to begin with.

By using this information, you can refine your SEO strategy and create a website that your ideal target audience will absolutely love.

PPC Data Can Improve Your SEO Content

In general, what works for paid ads, will typically work for SEO as well. And, since SEO takes time to show results, you can use Google Ads to test and optimize specific parts of your SEO campaign.

For example, testing out different headings for your paid campaigns provides you with important insights into what title tags to use for your SEO campaigns. You can see which titles help to drive valuable traffic to your site and choose the right titles for your SEO pages according to that.

You can also test other elements, like page content and meta descriptions, to see how the audience will react to them. All of this combined will help you to produce high-quality content for your website and increase conversions.

PPC Creates Brand Awareness

Google Ads are meant to drive clicks to your website. When someone clicks on your ad, they will go to your landing page and learn important information about your business. Many times, people will click on your ad, get distracted by something, and leave without completing the purchase.

This may seem discouraging, but it isn’t a waste of your ad dollars. Instead, it allows people to gain awareness of your brand. And, when they search for similar services or products in the future, they will remember your business and will be more eager to click on your organic listings, as opposed to competitor listings.

As people get more familiar with your business, they will be more likely to click on your organic content in the future. This will increase your website traffic, conversions, and, ultimately, the profit of your business.

As such, PPC helps SEO by building brand awareness that will lead to an increase in organic traffic in the future.

Improve Your PPC Performance with Ampd

All in all, PPC can help SEO, because these two strategies are two sides of the same digital marketing coin. Because both SEO and Google Ads share common elements, the trick to maximizing benefits is to learn from both. Analyzing data from both campaigns enables you to fine-tune your PPC and SEO efforts and increase the overall conversion rates.

With the help of Ampd, your go-to platform for Google Ads automation, you can improve your PPC ad performance and, ultimately, help your search engine positioning as well.

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