We get it, when you look at your campaign data and you aren’t seeing the results you expected, it’s frustrating! It is important to understand that Google Ads is a journey, but there are some things you can do to optimize and work toward better results.
Ampd wants everyone to be successful so here are some quick things you can do to investigate why the campaign might not be performing well.
"My Google Ads campaign isn't performing. What should I do?"
If your ad is being clicked on and people are visiting your site but you aren’t seeing revenue here is a checklist of things to look into...
1. Encourage customers to make a purchase by offering a discount.
(A pop up is one of many options to capture an email and give a discount!)
Pro Tip: This is a great way to get the customers emails so you are able to add them to an email marketing campaign.
2. If your business is able to, give free shipping over a certain amount is an enticing offer for a customer.
3. Check your product pictures and make sure they are high quality and showing your best products first.
Extra Tidbit: 90% of online buyers say that photo quality is the most important factor in an online sale.
4. Beef up your product descriptions. It is important to have size, color, fit and any other information that is important.
Here is a great article about must-haves on a website for a successful Google Ad.
5. Price point: you understand your business the best, so this is just a friendly tip on making sure your price point is reasonable.
These are just a couple quick things to check if you are receiving clicks but no conversions to help boost that customer rate. Be sure to check out our other articles for additional tips and don't miss signing up for our newsletter!