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From Launch to Optimization: Google Ads for Amazon Listings

If you have taken your ecommerce marketing one step further and already set up Google Ads for Amazon listings through Ampd, this guide is for you.

The Ampd Team

Sep 07, 2021

Once you launch a Google Ads campaign to your Amazon listings with Ampd, it takes time for your Best Seller and Product Rank to increase.

As the system learns and your campaigns grow, we understand the urge to want to make tweaks and changes to maximize your results—but overall, we don't recommend that.

In the first days and weeks of launching, a lot of learning is happening behind the scenes, and if you start going in and pulling levers, you're going to disrupt it.

That said, we do have a few tips that will only continue to improve your campaigns—not harm them, so today, we are going to cover what you should do as an Amazon seller after launching your Google Ads campaign.

How to Maximize Google Ads for Amazon Listings: Essential Post-Launch Tips

Without a doubt, using Google to get your products in front of more people will give you a valuable advantage over your Amazon competitors.

Launching Google Ads for Amazon listings is only the first step to your ultimate ecommerce success—here's what you should do after launching to make sure you're doing what's best for your business.

Use the Right (Amazon-Related) Keywords

If you are optimizing your Amazon listing for specific keywords, you might want to use the same keywords in Google. Keep in mind, however, that people on Google are usually still in a research stage, while those on Amazon are ready to purchase.

While it is generally a good idea to take your Google Ads search terms directly from Amazon, you will need to be a little more specific on Google. For example, it is better to use the term “screwdriver on Amazon” rather than just “screwdriver” alone. This will generate a lower cost per click and lead to higher-quality traffic that is ready to convert.

Double check to make sure you're doing so!

Use Negative Keywords

Whether you are trying to rank organically on Amazon, set up Amazon Sponsored Products, or run a Google Ads campaign to complement your internal efforts, you can’t escape the importance of continued keyword negation.

You want to add negative search terms to your Google Ads campaign to ensure that your product won’t show up for irrelevant search queries. For example, if you are selling a specific type of screwdriver, you might want to negate search terms related to other types.

This will continue to ensure your products are getting to the right buyers.

Improve Your UX

The key to successfully running Google Ads for Amazon listings is to use the gathered data to experiment and optimize overtime—not just ads, but where you're sending people to.

Traditionally with Google Ads, when someone clicks on your ad, they will automatically go to a landing page—or an interstitial page—that allows you to optimize the URL, heading, body copy, etc.

While you have a little less flexibility on Amazon in terms of design and setup, you absolutely want to make sure your description, photos, and reviews are enticing.

Be Patient

Success of your Google Ads for Amazon listings will ultimately come from experimentation, but that will come with time. For now, make small tweaks if you must but avoid making significant changes to your bidding, budget, or conversion actions. Doing so could disrupt the Google Ads learning phase—a period required for Google Ads to learn about your topic, collect important data, and optimize your ads.

So, be patient and give Google Ads at least 90 days to learn.

Boost Your Amazon Sales with Ampd

Undoubtedly, using Google Ads for Amazon listings presents a fantastic opportunity to get your products seen by more potential customers.

Ampd’s ad automation platform can help you to optimize your Google Ads campaigns and more effectively funnel Google users to your product listings, thus massively boosting your sales. Get Ampd now.

click here to get ampd

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