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Step-by-Step Guide: Google Ads Setup for Amazon Brands with Ampd

Follow 5 simple steps to quickly set up Google Ads for your Amazon brand. Maximize your online presence and ensure your advertising success!

The Ampd Team

Jun 30, 2023

Are you looking to expand your reach and drive more off-Amazon traffic to your product listings? Google Ads, combined with the powerful capabilities of Ampd, can help you achieve your goals. In this article, we will guide you through five simple steps to set up Google Ads for your Amazon brand.

Step 1: Setting Up Google Ads for Amazon Products

If you haven’t created an account with Google Ads yet, follow this process we’ve hashed out to set up your account effectively:

  1. Take a moment to ponder upon the account type that aligns with your unique business requirements. For most Amazon sellers, opting for the "Standard" account type is the recommended choice. 
  2. Put in essential information such as your business name, website URL (specifically your Amazon store link), and the preferred currency for your ad payments. 
  3. Choose your campaign type. Define the objectives of your campaigns, be it augmenting sales or enhancing brand awareness. For optimal results, it is advisable to opt for the "Search" campaign type, which effectively targets potential customers seeking products like yours.
  4. Link your Google Ads account with your Amazon Seller Central account to enable performance tracking and evaluation of your campaign’s impact on your Amazon sales. Access the "Linked Accounts" section within Google Ads, and by following the instructions, establish the connection with your Amazon Seller Central account.

Pro-tip: If you set up your Google Ads account with Ampd, you can get $500 in ad credits. Make it a great start and maximize your incentives from advertising for Amazon and Google!

Step 2: Research and Keyword Selection

The next step in setting up your Google Ads campaign is conducting thorough research and selecting relevant keywords. Start by identifying the keywords that are most relevant to your Amazon products. Check out these proven techniques to unearth high-converting gems:

  • Conduct thorough market research to craft a keyword strategy that resonates profoundly with your audience.
  • Identify the keywords that your competitors are targeting to inspire innovative approaches to your own campaign. 
  • Aim for a healthy balance between broad and specific keywords to cast a wide net while maintaining relevance.
  • Continuously refine and optimize your keyword selection based on the insights garnered from campaign performance using tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ampd.

Ampd's data science precisely identifies the keywords that drive "add to carts" and those that lead to actual conversions and sales, ensuring sustainable and profitable off-Amazon traffic.

Step 3: Creating Compelling Ads

Creating compelling Google ads for your Amazon products is an art form that holds the key to captivating your audience, igniting curiosity, and ultimately driving clicks and conversions for your esteemed Amazon brand. Your ad copy should highlight the unique selling points of your Amazon products and entice users to click. Incorporate your selected keywords naturally into the ad copy to improve relevancy.

Additionally, take advantage of these best practices in crafting persuasive ad copies:

  1. Tailor your language, tone, and messaging to resonate deeply with your target audience’s unique preferences and perspectives.
  2. Utilize power words, engaging headlines, and captivating descriptions to entice your audience.
  3. Seamlessly incorporate relevant keywords into your ad copy to ensure it aligns harmoniously with users' search queries. 
  4. Guide your audience toward the desired action by incorporating clear, concise, and compelling calls-to-action.
  5. Perform A/B testing to gather valuable insights, optimize your ads based on performance data, and continuously refine your messaging for maximum impact.

Step 4 Campaign Optimization and Monitoring

Once your Google Ads campaign is live, it's crucial to monitor its performance and make data-driven optimizations. Monitor important metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS) to track the performance of your campaigns. Try these methods to optimize your strategies in advertising for Amazon:

  • Leverage bidding strategies such as enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC) or target return on ad spend (ROAS) to automate the bidding process and optimize for your desired outcomes.
  • Analyze demographic data, device usage, and geographic performance to refine your targeting and create tailored ads or adjust bids to cater to their specific needs. 
  • Leverage Ampd's exclusive technology to gain precise visibility and curated action clicks, allowing you to optimize performance by focusing on the highest-performing keywords. Ampd curates the best keywords for your specific products and optimizes continually to streamline your keyword strategy and get more off-Amazon traffic.

Regularly analyze the data and adjust your bidding strategies, ad placements, and targeting parameters to improve the campaign's performance. Ampd's integration with Google Ads provides you with valuable insights and advanced optimization features to ensure your Amazon brand gets the most out of your Google Ads investment.

Step 5: Leveraging Ampd for Enhanced Results

Ampd simplifies the entire advertising for Amazon process from start to finish. It seamlessly connects the steps of launching ads, growing and managing budgets, and improving results over time. With the power of data science, Ampd evaluates and recommends the most effective ads and budgets, saving you valuable time and effort. 

By following these five simple steps, you can set up Google Ads for your Amazon products with Ampd and drive targeted off-Amazon traffic to your product listings. Subscribe now to expand your reach, increase sales, and achieve your business goals. Book a demo today!

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