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Maximizing Omnichannel Reach: Boost Your Amazon Sales with Google Ads

Dive into omnichannel marketing with Google Ads: Reach customers across multiple touchpoints. Expand your reach and boost sales effectively.

The Ampd Team

Mar 19, 2024

Shoppers today bounce between big retail media networks, like Amazon and Walmart, social media, search engine giants like Google and even offline physical stores. Reaching them everywhere they roam can feel impossible - but what if you could build bridges across this vast retail marketplace?
Enter omnichannel marketing, the perfect method for connecting with customers at every touchpoint. It's like having a friendly guide pointing shoppers right to your storefront, whether they're browsing Instagram, watching videos on YouTube, or searching for deals on Google.

And here's the best part: Google Ads. This advertising powerhouse lets you target potential customers wherever they are, from the search bar to your product page, based on their real-time interests and searches. Imagine your products appearing right in front of people actively looking for what you sell, or even browsing related topics that indicate potential interest. Boom! High traffic, boosted sales.

What is this Omnichannel Buzz About?

Imagine your ideal customer. They're browsing recipes on YouTube, checking product reviews on Google, and then comparing prices on Amazon. That's the omnichannel reality – customers seamlessly blend multiple touchpoints throughout their buying journey. Forget a single brick-and-mortar store or online marketplace; omnichannel marketing is about creating a unified experience across all these touchpoints, wherever your customers are.

In retail, a disjointed experience can leave customers lost and frustrated. Omnichannel marketing eliminates this confusion by connecting the dots across channels, resulting in a staggering 80% increase in incremental store visits. This translates to increased customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, and a thriving bottom line.

Why Omnichannel Matters: More Than Just Sales Growth

Omnichannel strategies offer a treasure trove of opportunities for Amazon sellers. Here are 5 benefits you can reap when your brand goes omnichannel:

  1. Reach new audiences. Expand beyond the Amazon marketplace and tap into the vast pool of potential customers actively searching on Google and other platforms for enhanced new customer acquisition
  2. Boost brand awareness and recognition. Create a consistent brand image across all channels, reinforcing your message and building customer trust.
  3. Improve customer engagement. Deliver personalized experiences across channels, driving deeper engagement and loyalty.
  4. Optimize marketing spend. By integrating data from different channels, you can make informed decisions about where to allocate your marketing budget for maximum impact. And with Ampd Intelligence® you can set your goals toward profitability or growth and let the Ampd software automatically optimize ad spend by adjusting bids based on historical data and conversion probabilities.
  5. Gain valuable insight. Track customer behavior across channels to understand their preferences and optimize your marketing strategies for better results.

Google to Amazon: Targeting High-Intent Shoppers

Did you know that 49% of shoppers use Google to search for new products? 51% of surveyed shoppers also said they use Google to research items they plan to purchase. With billions of daily users, Google is a powerful omnichannel tool that you can leverage to direct heavy traffic to your storefront. With potential shoppers clearly in the middle of their buying journey representing a group with a high intent to buy, the important question is: how do you reach and convert them?

With Google Ads, you can reach potential customers actively searching for products like yours, even if they haven't set foot on Amazon yet. This means, expanding your reach, capturing new-to-brand customers, and driving traffic back to your Amazon listings for a truly omnichannel experience.

By integrating Google Ads with Amazon advertising you create a seamless customer journey:

  • Drive traffic to your Amazon listings. Use Google Ads to capture high-intent shoppers and direct them to your Amazon pages for conversion.
  • Leverage Amazon data. Incorporate Amazon search terms and audience insights into your Google Ads campaigns for enhanced targeting and relevance.
  • Track performance across channels. Gain a holistic view of your marketing efforts by measuring results from both Google Ads and Amazon.

Drive Off Amazon Traffic with Google Ads & Ampd

Unlock the full potential of omnichannel marketing with Ampd. Our AI-powered platform empowers Google Ads with laser-focused campaigns that drive qualified traffic directly to your Amazon listings.

Sign up today and gain deep insights with Ampd's automated keyword-level Amazon Attribution data into which keywords are driving actual sales on Amazon, not just clicks. Save time and resources with our AI-powered tools that optimize your campaigns for maximum impact. Book a demo now!

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