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Amazon Attribution 101: Everything You Need to Know

Amazon Attribution is a free advertising tool that allows Amazon sellers to measure the performance of their external advertising campaigns.

The Ampd Team

Sep 28, 2021

If you want to drive external traffic to your Amazon listings, tracking the performance and the results is crucial. Once your potential buyers click on the link in your Google Ad, landing page, or blog post, you want to know whether they actually end up purchasing your Amazon product.

Amazon Attribution is a free advertising tool that allows Amazon sellers to measure the performance of their external advertising campaigns. We at Ampd can help launch, manage, and maximize the performance of your Google Ads—and help you set up Amazon Attribution.

But first, let's take a look at everything you need to know about Amazon Attribution.

 What is Amazon Attribution?

Amazon Attribution presents an advertising analytics platform that provides marketers with valuable insights into how external marketing channels, such as search, video, social, display, and email, affect their shopping and sales performance on Amazon.

These analytics and insights can be used to further optimize experiences outside of Amazon in order to grow business directly on the platform.

Amazon Attribution tool is accessible to any professional seller that is enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, as well as agencies with clients that sell products on Amazon. The program is currently available in the United States, Canada, and several countries in Europe.

What Metrics Are Available in Amazon Attribution?

Attribution provides you with all the important conversion metrics you need, including:

  • Impressions
  • Click-through rate
  • Detail page views
  • “Add to Carts”
  • Total sales
  • Number of purchases attributed to each ad channel

All the data is available as a convenient downloadable report, which will help you to fully optimize your ads on various external platforms, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.

Benefits of Using Amazon Attribution

Any Amazon seller who uses Sponsored Ads knows how important it is to frequently track your campaigns to ensure that they perform well. As a seller, you tend to rely on the data Amazon provides you in order to make informed decisions about bids, keywords, and overall budget. However, you may not be getting the complete story about your overall marketing efforts.

It is crucial to also have similar performance data for the campaigns you run outside of Amazon: instead of blindly spending the budget of your Google Ad or Facebook campaigns, you want to make sure that these channels are actually working for your Amazon business.

Luckily, with Amazon Attribution, you can:

1. Measure

The tool allows you to understand which channels perform best at driving traffic and sales to your Amazon listings.

Before Amazon Attribution existed, you would typically run both on- and off-Amazon campaigns and guess where the sales came from. Now, you will be able to determine exactly where the conversions originated, including the path customers take to purchase the product.

2. Optimize

With Amazon Attribution, you can determine which strategies improve your campaign performance, so that you can focus on the external ad campaigns that bring your profits and forfeit the ones that don’t.

3. Plan

By using the tool, you will be able to better understand what types of imagery and messaging your potential customers respond best to. As such, you will be able to develop a marketing style that works for your business and plan for future effective ad campaigns.

To make the most out of your Google Ads efforts, it is also a good idea to implement Ampd’s ad automation platform—a powerful tool that can help you optimize ad performance—while spending your budget more efficiently and productively.

How to Use Amazon Attribution

Paid platforms like Google Shopping and Facebook allow you to track potential buyers by using a “pixel.” Adding this code on your website means that the advertising platform can track every step and every action the potential buyer takes between your ad and your website.

With Amazon Attribution, things are a little different—instead of a pixel, they have what they call an “Attribution Tag.”

What is an Attribution Tag?

In a nutshell, an Attribution Tag is a special link to your product that can be tracked by Amazon. You can easily generate this link or tag in your Amazon Attribution account and place it in your ad, email, or blog post. Now, when anyone clicks on that special product link, Amazon will track them and let you know everything about the actions they take.

How to Create an Attribution Tag for External Marketing Campaigns

Once you’ve set up your Amazon Attribution account, you can easily generate your first Attribution Tag and start tracking your external marketing campaigns:

  1. Within the Amazon Attribution platform, click on the Advertiser name you wish to create the tag for.
  2. Click on the “New Order” button.
  3. When creating a link for a Google Ad, select “Upload a File” option and follow the instructions. Otherwise, select “Set Up an Order.”
  4. Under the “Products” section, select a product you want to link to and press the “Add” button next to it.
  5. Scroll down to “Order Settings,” give your Attribution Tag a name and ID, and click “Continue to line items.”
  6. From the “Publisher” drop-down, choose where you plan to place your link, such as Facebook or Google Ads.
  7. In the box below “Publisher,” fill out the “Click-through URL” field. This is simply the link to the listing that you want to send people to.
  8. Click on the yellow “Create” button.

That’s all! You have created your Amazon Attribution Tag.

Now, simply copy and paste it into your Google Ad or other external advertising platform, and you will be able to track anybody who clicks that link. 

Take Your Amazon Business to the Next Level with Ampd

If you want to become successful on Amazon, focusing your marketing efforts exclusively on internal promotion is simply not enough. Instead, using Google Ads and Ampd’s ad automation tool can help you to drive qualified external traffic to your Amazon listings.

You will be able to generate more sales, improve keyword rankings, and boost your best seller rank. And, with Amazon Attribution, you can now better track and analyze the performance of your external efforts.

Ready to take your Amazon business to the next level with external Google Ads campaigns? Get Ampd.

click here to get ampd

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