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5 Ways to Increase eCommerce Email Conversions

Boost your eCommerce growth with email marketing. Stand out and improve conversion rates with these 5 tips.

Kat Bakhmetyeva
Kat Bakhmetyeva

Nov 05, 2018

One of the reasons why eCommerce is such a great way to build businesses today is because of how easy it is to integrate revenue streams with marketing channels, such as email.

Email marketing is a proven way to share news, incentives and keep customers interested in your products. In fact, it has an average ROI of 3,800% according to Salesforce, which means that for every dollar you invest, you get $38 back!

Naturally, almost every brand uses some sort of email marketing to reach potential and existing customers. As a result, consumers receive countless emails and thus tend to ignore most of them - resulting in a lower ROI than the sender anticipates.

Here is how you can step up your email marketing game and stand out from the crowd.

1. Hone in on your audience

Knowing your audience (and what they want) is one of the key ingredients to higher conversions via email marketing. If you haven’t done so yet, take a closer look at your recipients, the way you organize them into lists, and even their behavior. What links are they clicking on? Are they interested in the long-form content or product links?

As you segment your audience list, it may be a good idea to align them to your company’s buyer personas based on demographics and personal interests. You can learn more information about email behavior and conversions in your email newsletter software (MailChimp) or an email marketing solution (Marketo).

2. Re-consider email subject lines

Great emails start with a compelling subject line. According to Invesp, 47% of email recipients open emails based on subject lines and more than 69% report it as spam solely based on that! As you compose your next email, consider the following headline-writing tips to capture your audience’s attention and get that email opened:

Evoke emotion: create a sentence of urgency, curiosity or even relatability with key phrases like “today only” or “what you didn’t know about….”

Identify your audience: show them you know them! Marketer, makeup lover, doctor, builder, home decorator, fashionista, tech junkie - these are all identities you could be targeting your emails to. Check your personas and get writing!

Say exactly what you’ll offer: your recipients won’t open the email if they don’t know its value. As long as you know what problem your business is solving for them, this part should be easy. Some examples include “4 tips to a flawless coverage” or “become a pro at…”.

Use numbers and lists: human brains are naturally drawn to numbers and lists! A study by Marketingprofs indicates that the most effective methods are using numerals rather than words, and specifically the numbers 10, 5 and 7. Avoid using the words “TEENS” and the number 2.

3. Use captivating images

An image is worth a thousand words, they say, and we agree! Using an image that fits your brand’s values and goals is another great way to connect with your audience, especially if you sell tangible products to consumers. Below are some examples of great imagery used by brands like Loft, PayPal and JCrew Factory.

Email Marketing Examples from PayPal Loft and JCrew

Image source: HubSpot

A few words of caution: make sure your images are an appropriate size to avoid your email getting sorted into spam, and keep in mind that not all email providers display images correctly. Be sure to test your email in a variety of windows and platforms before finalizing for the send.

4. Keep it simple, yet clear

The golden rule of every copywriter: the simpler, the better. There is no need to write long-form emails with stories every time and, for the sake of variety, you can switch things up a bit between imagery, stories, and product highlights.

For instance, the email below does not contain a single typed word under the header image. In fact, the header image is all of the content Leatherology provides. Yet, they manage to say everything they want in under two sentences.

Email Marketing Example from Leatherology

Image source: Forbes

Even if the email recipients don’t read through the whole sentence, they can still see the clear call to action in a red button that compels them to do exactly what it says - “Shop Now”.

5. Study your analytics and adjust accordingly

As you create your email campaigns, it’s important to evaluate their effectiveness. Much like full stack analytics tools, email marketing solutions provide email-specific analytics to provide visibility to what’s working and what’s not. You can keep track of one or several goals, and review analytics by time period, open rate, and audience behavior.

If you’re looking to improve conversions from email marketing, start by measuring one or two metrics that are critical to meeting your goal. With each email you create, aim to measure and improve on those metrics. By taking this analytical approach and adjusting as needed, you’ll likely see improvement over a couple of emails.

Kat Bakhmetyeva

Kat is a writer for Metricstory. She received her master’s degree in Communications in Digital Media from the University of Washington and now focuses on creating revenue-generating multimedia content. In her spare time, Kat enjoys to play badminton, make crafts and plan her next travel adventure.

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